27 juillet 2024

Installation Windows 11 (sans vérification TPM et Secureboot)

Etant donné que j’utilise souvent Qemu, cette astuce permet d’installer Windows 11 sans se casser la tête à simuler une puce TPM ou un bios UEFI pour activer secure boot. Meme si c’est tout à fait possible avec Qemu…

Start the Windows 11 installation until you see « This PC can’t run Windows 11. »

Press Shift + F10

type regedit and click OK.


right-click it, select New, and choose DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Create a new entry called AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU. Double-click on it, and set its value to 1.

Bypass TPM or Secure Boot check


Right-click in the blank space on the right, choose New, and then Key to create a new registry named LabConfig.

Select the LabConfig key, right-click in the blank space, and create two DWORD (32-bit) Value options from the New menu.

Name them BypassTPMCheck and BypassSecureBootCheck, and set their value data to 1.

After completing these steps, close the Registry Editor and go back one time, chosse the version you want to install 😉